Dollar General Reserving First Hour of Operation for Seniors

Dollar General (NYSE: DG) has announced that it will dedicate its first hour of each day to allowing senior citizens exclusive shopping time. Dollar General's decision falls in line with similar practices being enacted at chains across the country.

In a statement released on their website, Dollar General stated that they are "strongly encouraging that the first hour of operations each day be dedicated solely for the shopping needs of senior customers, who are one of the groups most vulnerable to the COVID-19 coronavirus." Dollar General also announced that it would be closing stores one hour early to allow employees more time to sanitize and restock stores.

A dozen or so other chains join dollar General in offering special shopping hours for seniors. Whole Foods Market (Parent company Amazon, (NASDAQ: AMZN) locations in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. will be opening an hour early to provide an exclusive hour of shopping for seniors and other vulnerable groups. Target (NYSE: TGT) would also be offering its first hour of operation for vulnerable customers.

Most grocery chains in the United States are adjusting their hours as the impact of the coronavirus pandemic is felt nationwide. For some, that change of hours includes adding an hour of exclusive shopping. Along with Dollar General, Whole Foods, and Target, national chains such as Walmart (NYSE: WMT), Kroger (NYSE: KR), and Aldi, among others, are curbing their operating hours. National chains are joined by a slew of local chains such as Publix and Winn-Dixie in the Southeast, as well as Wegmans and Stop & Shop in the Northeast.

Curbing hours allows markets more time to restock after the particularly draining market rushes that have resulted in the iconic bare shelves of the Coronavirus pandemic, while also giving employees ample opportunity to sanitize high-traffic areas.