When day traders suffer a losing streak.

Almost every day trader, even those with only a little experience will agree that coming back from a bad trading day is really complicated. Let's say that you have 5 consecutive losses and then you have a really large loss that closes out your day. This can have a huge negative effect on a trader.

Bad sessions can easily bring down financial and mental capital. There is absolutely no trader out there that will not go through such a roller coaster and it is the successful one that manages to bounce back. All those that you admire and that have a spotless reputation went through such sessions. Bouncing back is difficult, but you need to consider the following in order to help you to get back on track.

Identify the Potential Existence Of A Problem

Many believe that a terrible session is caused by a problem, but that is not always the case. Did you run a simulation in the past? If so, did it show a possibility that you would end up with various consecutive losses? In this case, there is absolutely nothing that you have to worry about. In the event that the losses are analyzed and they were considered as being a part of the trading strategy you initially had, zero problems exist.

If you see that a problem appeared, you have to analyze it properly. You should not start a new trade until you figure out the problem that appeared. In many situations we are faced with the following:

- Insufficient Risk Management: Use daily stop-loss settings in order to manage everything. Circuit breakers are usually needed.

- Discipline Problems: In the event that you ignore your risk and trading management rules, it is a guarantee that you will be faced with huge problems. Out of all the possible problems, this is the one that has to be avoided at all costs. Trust me from experience; you will be able to get away with this a few times but it is a certainty that you will eventually be faced with huge losses.

Traders need a "short memory" -

If you feel bad about the trading session and the losses you had, it is a guarantee that everything will end up being worse. It is a really bad idea to remain stuck on past errors as you do have to think about the future options that are available. Think, whats done is done and try to put mistakes out of your head.

You need to look forward to a trading session. Do not look at it as being your opportunity to recuperate losses. In this case, disaster may happen. Try to think about how to improve, and how to do better in the future. Remember that a good session is not necessarily one in which you make a lot of money. A good session is one in which you have the necessary discipline and focus to make the best possible decisions. You have to remain focused on the decisions that you make instead of how much money can be made.

Failure Is a Part Of Trading

Understand the fact mentioned above and realize that failure is always something that will happen before success will be achieved. Analyze all the successful traders in the industry. You will notice that all of them had huge failures until they managed to reach success. This is important since you cannot actually be successful without going through failure as it is part of the trading process.

A really good trader will always learn from the mistakes that are made and the devastating losses that appeared in the past. The really bad sessions should be accepted as being a part of the trading experience. As soon as you manage to accept this, you will be able to get back to normal. Traders that are successful bounce back really fast.