US-Mexico Trade Deal May be Within Reach

According to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Congressional Democrats are reportedly "within range" of finalizing the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, the replacement trade agreement for NAFTA.

Negotiations for implementing the USMCA have been turbulent. The USMCA is an attempt by President Donald Trump to replace NAFTA, which the President has constantly derided and threatened to withdraw the United States from during his tenure. The USMCA, however, despite being heralded as a major improvement by the President, has been met with skepticism by Congressional Democrats and experts alike.

The reason for the delay by the House of Representatives is primarily over the concern by Democratic representatives that the deal leaves much to be desired and may even cause stiff consequences for the American public. Pelosi stated that the deal "still left American workers exposed to losing their jobs to Mexico, included unacceptable provisions to lock in high prescription drug prices, and fell short of key environmental standards." Pelosi's view is shared by labor unions, who are concerned that the USMCA will do nothing to protect American jobs, contrary to a key talking point used by the GOP and President Trump to support the agreement.

President Trump and Speaker Pelosi have repeatedly exchanged blows in an attempt to cast blame on one another for the delays. Recently, the President has claimed that Canada and Mexico might pull out of the deal due to delays, though there are currently no indications that either country will do so.

Mexico, however, appears to be growing impatient with the lack of progress. President of Mexico Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has stated that Mexico intends on sending a letter to Congress urging representatives to expedite the passage of the agreement. Lopez Obrador was confident, however, that Congress would reach an agreement with the President before the end of the year.

Mexico has ratified the USMCA, though currently, Canada has yet to do so. Canada, however, is holding off on its ratification as it desires to move in tandem with the United States. While congressional Democrats appear to be moving towards finalizing the deal, it remains to be seen if the USMCA will pass before the end of the year, or if it will pass at all.