Teens are not on Facebook, Pew Study Says

According to a recent study conducted by Pew Research Center, Gen Z teenagers have largely forgotten about or abandoned Meta Platform's (NASDAQ: META) social media platform Facebook.

This study has reported that merely 32% of teenagers between the ages of 13 and 17 use Facebook. This percentage compares to the 71% of teens that reported using the platform between 2014-2015.

Jules Terpak, a Gen Z content creator who studies digital culture, told TechCrunch that teenagers simply do not see the significance or purpose of using the Facebook platform any longer.

"There are now well over five strongly positioned social media platforms to endlessly scroll through, and it isn't sustainable for our minds to compartmentalize nor prioritize our relationship with all of them," Terpak said in an email message. "For the sake of time and sanity, people have to eliminate platforms that begin to lack a value-add incentive."

The type of content that teenagers do view are primarily videos posted on YouTube (NASDAQ: GOOGL) or TikTok, according to the same study. Teens have availability to their favorite apps on smartphones or computers right at their very fingertips, and a third of teenagers report being on social media "too much."

In terms of specific apps that teenagers tend to use, females are more inclined to utilize TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat (NYSE: SNAP), while teenage boys make more use of apps like YouTube, Reddit, and Twitch (NASDAQ: AMZN).

Also according to the study, the social media platform of Facebook does not have much to provide for teens anymore, given that it tends to be more associated with older generations.

"While Facebook is still deeply integrated in teens' everyday lives, it is sometimes seen as a utility and an obligation rather than an exciting new platform that teens can claim as their own," the report from 2013 said.

Over the next two years alone, Facebook usage is predicted to either remain the same or go down even more so, not just among teens, but among all audiences. As other social media platforms like TikTok and Snapchat continue to be on the rise, Facebook will likely grow to be obsolete, or else abandoned altogether.