Simple way to choose trading software.

Ok so there is no shortage of trading platforms out there. If you were to spend even 5 minutes looking at all the choices and features of each choice its likely your head would explode. So how do you find the best platform for your needs? It's actually very easy and today I will simplify it for you.

So you currently fit into one category or another . You either have been trading for a while and know what it is you like to trade, or you are brand new and are looking for a place to get started. So lets start with the later and move on to the experienced trader.

If you are brand new (or mostly new) to trading then you likely are overwhelmed at the features of every platform. It's true that trading software has come a long way and most platforms will offer more than you actually need or will ever use. The key here is to look for one that seems watered down. Find a clean and simple looking platform and don't worry about any bells and whistles that you don't see on the surface. As you get better you will notice yourself wanting a certain feature or wish that you could configure a layout a certain way. Make a list and then as you get better you will know exactly what it is you want, but in the beginning keep it simple.

For the experienced trader looking for a better solution you already know what it is that you trade and the studies, if any that you use. Trust me, it is very easy to want to use the mammoth platform and dream of adding algorithmic systems, and a thousand years of back testing, but what is it that you actually do. If you like to trade gapping stocks with a low float and 10 years of history then search for the platform that offers you that. If you are a long term investor that likes to add to positions automatically when your holdings show improved earnings performance then look for that platform.

There is a big trend right now among the active trades that less is more. Notice how you don't see people posting pictures about their 40 screen monitor setup? Most of the people that share pictures or videos are on laptops these days so remember that you only need what you need to make money!