NFL Picks Caesars, FanDuel, DraftKings for First Ever Sports Betting Partnerships

The National Football League (NFL) recently announced a historic collaborate with Caesars Entertainment (NASDAQ: CZR), DraftKings (NASDAQ: DKNG), and FanDuel for the companies become the league's first sports betting partners.

As a result, betting will be permitted to occur in the areas of retail at NFL stadiums and online sports. Engagement with fans will additionally be allowed on the company's respective platforms through NFL-themed free games. Features such as highlights, footage, and NextGen content will all be incorporated into these free games, and both the collaborators as well as the NFL will utilize the NFL's official League data feed.

In order to support the NFL and their adherence to the game, integrity, and fans, all of the collaborators have chosen to submit to the NFL's key policies, including that on intelligence sharing, advocacy efforts, and responsible gaming education.

"As the sports betting landscape has continued to evolve in the United States, we have been thoughtful with our strategy and are excited to announce three partners who share the NFL's vision and goals. Working closely with Caesars, DraftKings, and FanDuel, we will provide fans new and different ways of interacting and engaging with the sport they love," said Renie Anderson, Chief Revenue Officer and Executive Vice President of NFL Partnerships, in a press release.

Caesars Entertainment, for instance, will provide casino experiences for NFL fans while still possessing exclusive casino rights for itself as a company. They are also going to offer celebrity chefs, premier music artists, and other such forms of entertainment. DraftKings will issue content and product offerings that fans can interact with on the DraftKings Sportsbook and Daily Fantasy sports apps. FanDuel will have access to footage rights that bring a good deal of entertainment to the NFL across many different platforms, and they will work alongside the NFL for the pre-game and other seasonal opportunities.

The NFL's collaborations with all of these companies offer a new element to the world of sports. Their manner of sports betting will surely be both engaging and interactive, and allow for fans to truly enjoy their time at the games as well as online.