ETF weekly update.

In a wild ride for the week so far the markets have blasted off in anticipation of a Clinton lead. The S&P 500 shot up Monday and never looked back as of Tuesday close. Many of the ETF's have been purely trading on investors positioning for the election. Tuesday, volume was average as it was very likely that many were positioning for a potential move rather than adding new risk. Going forward the results of the elections will dictate the markets next move.

The Nasdaq 100 (NASDAQ: QQQ), as of Tuesday had regained more than half of the losses suffered on the 9 day decline. Being the stronger of the major indices, the Nasdaq 100 has remained near its all time highs. Investors have noticed a serious increase in volatility over the last few months though as rallies, and declines have been sharper than normal.

In light of the election the Mexican ETF (NYSE: EWW) has been on a wild ride mostly due to the rough talk from Presidential candidate Donald Trump. When Hilary Clinton seemed to be favored the EWW shot up by over 8%. The overall volatility on the EWW has been at historic highs. Stuck inside of a large range between $46 and $54 the election results will likely solve this range bound issue.

Lastly the Dollar (NYSE: UUP) has rallied just over 1% this week, bouncing off a slight support area in the short term. Overall the newly established uptrend remains intact but certainly the election results will have an effect on the next move.

Like the Brexit drama, there are some times in the markets lifetime where no one can predict the next move and everyone just positions the best they can. As the dust settles, as it always does, the market will return to a normal, forward looking market with normal movements.