Company Profile: Nike

Nike (NYSE: NKE), a company that is known for primarily selling foot apparel, has been lately attempting to appeal to its consumers more directly through the usage of direct-to-consumer sales rather than business-to-business retailer models. The sports company is known for designing apparel that is utilized for athletic reasons, although there are many purposes that the company could serve.

Nike has many places of business throughout the world, which include: North America, Western Europe, China, Central and Eastern Europe, and Japan. Although the Nike locations are spread throughout the world, their sole purpose is the same: to attract and sell various types of equipment to interested consumers.

There are four main categories that Nike has on the market, and they are: footwear, apparel, equipment, and other. Regardless of the type of equipment that is sold by Nike, the business strategy remains the same. Currently, the company is attempting to establish long-term relationships with consumers that will have lasting effects, and thus, create bonds that will compel consumers to buy even more products once the process is started.

Since 2018, Nike has grown and desired to impact customers more directly as a marketing strategy in order to bring about the Consumer Direct Acceleration, a phase in which the company engages more digitally with consumers, thus allowing the company to become more closely and deeply bonded with customers as a whole, primarily for marketing and business purposes.

Nike's outlook is based on these particular market strategies, although engaging from both a relational and technical standpoint, are not guaranteed to work in 2021 or future years to come. Although Nike is currently doing fairly well, with the economic situation at an all-time low, the situation may be looking grimmer than usual. Nike has put a good deal of effort toward its marketing techniques, and, while teens (one of the most renowned populations for purchasing Nike apparel) are still buying apparel as well as other sports equipment from them, they are not buying nearly as much as they have in past years. The stock market situation is thought to be less than favorable, but Nike is nevertheless still thriving, and, much like the unpredictability of the economy, could turn around in the future at any given time.