Celebrating our 50,000 Facebook fans!

Passport to Wall Street has been bringing you news and updates from the New York financial world for over two years now. We've done man on the street interviews and in-depth looks at IPOs to watch, and have written hundreds of updates on the latest news from the stock markets. Now, we're at our most exciting milestone yet. We're pleased to report we've hit 50,000 fans on Facebook!

It's thanks to you, our readers, that we continue to expand our PWS reporting, educational articles, and contests. The whole team at PWS has enjoyed meeting our fans, whether in person in conferences in Kraków and Karpacz, or just in the Facebook comments on our posts. We strive to build a community at PWS, and to tailor our content to the Polish investor who wants to learn more about American stock trading. To that effect, we've had many conversations with our readers over what coverage they'd like to see, we've provided Facebook Live seminars on trading, and we always respond to our readers' messages!

We would be remise if we didn't mention our great writers as well. Whether covering bitcoin or renewable energy, the experts at PWS drive our engagement on Facebook, Twitter, and our site. We've had the pleasure of working with young writers just out of university, as well as seasoned traders offering you their insight and strategies. Moreover, we're always looking for new writers to contribute to PWS and join our growing community of experts. We're always excited to bring you new work from them, and will continue to publish their great writing on the daily.

We'd like to thank you for sticking with PWS--some of you from the very beginning--and invite you to comment, like, and read Paszport to Wall Street for many years to come!