Airbnb Banning Party Houses Due to Mass Shooting

Airbnb, the marketplace for arranged temporary lodging in popular tourist locations, has banned party houses due to a shooting that took place at one of its locations. The shooting took place at a Halloween party on Thursday that was hosted by renters of the location and resulted in the death of five people. The Orinda, California police department stated that the party was held without the knowledge of the renter host.

Airbnb co-founder and CEO Brian Chesky expressed deep sorrow for the families of the deceased and later stated that the company's ban on "party houses" is the first step in a series of steps that will be taken to ensure guests and hosts that this will never happen again. Chesky made this announcement on Saturday, just two days following the horrific event. More than 100 partiers frightened by the scene, stood in gatherings all over the property.

This mass shooting will result in the company forming a rapid response team for renters that cause complaints from neighbors of the properties.

Jessica Black, Texas attorney and founder of Moms against STRs said that this wasn't the first shooting that took place in an Airbnb location, but it was one of more than thirty shootings that have occurred since May of this year.

Black has experienced many negative and disturbing incidents in her own neighborhood from Airbnb renters and has fought for months to get Chesky's attention.

Black conveyed to the media that the sudden interest setting stricter company policies are due to Airbnb's plan to have an initial public offering next year.

"Is this about them trying to put lipstick on the pig for the IPO?" Black later stated after expressing her fears of an opened policy to terrorists and sex offenders.

Airbnb will begin screening all reservations that are made from now on and will remove users that violate any company policies.